This page offers a quick overview over all current COVID-19 cases, caused by the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2).
Because this page is still under construction, more live statistics will come in the next days.

All data will be updated once a day, as soon as all numbers for the foreday are available.

Notice:The following statistics are based on the data of the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), Johns Hopkins University.
Even if all this data has been compared and checked against other data sources, the author of this page does not warrant for
Auch wenn diese Daten mit anderen Datenquellen gegengeprüft wurden, erhebt diese Seite keinen Anspruch auf completeness, absolute correctness and actuality.
Dies page will give you a rough overview of the surrent progress, collected from different sources around the globe.


History for: Winter Olympics 2022



2022-04-09 535 535 0 0
2022-04-08 535 535 0 0
2022-04-07 535 535 0 0
2022-04-06 535 535 0 0
2022-04-05 535 535 0 0
2022-04-04 535 535 0 0
2022-04-03 535 535 0 0
2022-04-02 535 535 0 0
2022-04-01 535 535 0 0
2022-03-31 535 535 0 0
2022-03-30 535 535 0 0
2022-03-29 535 535 0 0
2022-03-28 535 535 0 0
2022-03-27 535 535 0 0
2022-03-26 535 535 0 0
2022-03-25 535 535 0 0
2022-03-24 535 535 0 0
2022-03-23 535 535 0 0
2022-03-22 535 535 0 0
2022-03-21 535 535 0 0
2022-03-20 535 535 0 0
2022-03-19 535 535 0 0
2022-03-18 535 535 0 0
2022-03-17 535 535 0 0
2022-03-16 535 535 0 0
2022-03-15 535 535 0 0
2022-03-14 535 535 0 0
2022-03-13 535 535 0 0
2022-03-12 535 535 0 0
2022-03-11 535 535 0 0
2022-03-10 535 535 0 0
2022-03-09 533 533 0 0
2022-03-08 533 533 0 0
2022-03-07 532 532 0 0
2022-03-06 532 532 0 0
2022-03-05 530 530 0 0
2022-03-04 530 530 0 0
2022-03-03 526 526 0 0
2022-03-02 524 524 0 0
2022-03-01 524 524 0 0
2022-02-28 521 521 0 0
2022-02-27 518 518 0 0
2022-02-26 514 514 0 0
2022-02-25 514 514 0 0
2022-02-24 510 510 0 0
2022-02-23 510 510 0 0
2022-02-22 509 509 0 0
2022-02-21 509 509 0 0
2022-02-20 509 509 0 0
2022-02-19 508 508 0 0
2022-02-18 508 508 0 0
2022-02-17 507 507 0 0
2022-02-16 507 507 0 0
2022-02-15 505 505 0 0
2022-02-14 501 501 0 0
2022-02-13 501 501 0 0
2022-02-12 498 498 0 0
2022-02-11 490 490 0 0
2022-02-10 465 465 0 0
2022-02-09 465 465 0 0
2022-02-08 465 465 0 0